Frontend Mastery with iCodeThis

byeminebozdagon May 25, 2023
Hi, I'm Emine, a Computer Science Engineering graduate with 2 years of experience as a Frontend Engineer. I have been creating user-friendly web applications that make a meaningful impact on people's lives. It's been quite a journey since my first "Hello World!”
Six months ago, I joined Twitter with the idea of building in public. I kept seeing iCodeThis projects in my feed and when I realized that it was a project by a developer whom I already followed, I became curious and found myself exploring the website.
I remember saying to myself, "Wow, why didn't I discover this earlier? It's exactly what I need to improve my design and coding skills!"
I particularly noticed that the website used TailwindCSS, a CSS framework I had been curious about for a long time.
I saw it as an opportunity for learning and decided to embark on an adventure by completing my first challenge. From then on, I woke up each day curious about the new challenge. Once I completed the challenges I shared them on my Twitter account. And I didn't break the cycle!
while(hasPassionToLearn) {
After becoming a part of this journey, I had the opportunity to meet amazing people in the community who appreciated each other's achievements. Day by day, I felt my productivity and my motivation increasing rapidly!
While working on my current project, I allocated a portion of my daily schedule, typically one to two hours, to tackle the daily iCodeThis challenge. To my delight, numerous daily challenges began featuring code snippets that were directly applicable to my ongoing project.
I felt more confident in my understanding of TailwindCSS within the first week! Additionally, I gained a simplified perspective on essential concepts for a Frontend Developer, such as Responsive Web Design, Layout, and design coding.
I don't believe that you can learn all of these things so comfortably just by watching crash courses or tutorials.
It’s a known fact that the best way to learn a new technology is not just to rely on crash courses, tutorials, or books, but to apply what you've learned by getting your hands dirty. That's why it's important to be open to the opportunities that iCodeThis offers for learning with practice, regardless of your skill level.
Here are just some of the opportunities presented to you on the platform:
- If you're just starting out and don't have an IDE environment, iCodeThis provides accessibility through its built-in IDE
- Completing different challenges every day makes learning a continuous and disciplined process. Remember, discipline is the key to success!
- You learn the fundamentals of Frontend Development, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, by coding real-life designs
- In case you want to learn from others, on iCodeThis you can find solutions, allowing you to identify your weaknesses and learn faster
- The confidence in your progress is further enhanced by the fact that all the challenges you complete are showcased in your public portfolio
- It offers the opportunity to network with highly motivated individuals who share the same journey and engage in knowledge sharing
Always remember that in life, only those who seize opportunities can truly succeed. It doesn't matter where you started or where you currently are; it's the determined steps taken in the right direction that will lead you to your desired destination!
Best wishes, 👋